on the procedure for sending, reviewing and publishing scientific articles in the journal "Academic Vestnic of the Rostov Branch of the Russian Customs Academy"
1. General conditions for publication of articles
1.1. Articles of scientific and pedagogical workers belonging to the faculty of higher educational institutions, doctoral students, graduate students, officials of customs and other authorities, specialists in economic, legal and pedagogical sciences are accepted for publication in accordance with the headings of the journal
1.2. All articles submitted to the editorial office of the journal are subject to mandatory review.
1.3. There is no payment for the publication.
1.4. Manuscripts are not returned. The editors reserve the right to literary, spelling and other processing of the text of the article in preparation for printing.
2. Journal sections
Branches |
Sections |
5.2 – Economics |
1. Topical issues of the functioning of the customs system. 2. Problems of economic theory and methodology. 3. National and world economy. 4. Management: questions of theory and practice. 5. Information technologies in the economy. |
5.1 – Law
6. Regulation of customs activities. 7. State and law. |
5.8 – Pedagogics |
8. Methodology and organization of the educational process. |
3. Required documents
3.1. To publish an article in the journal, you must send the following information to the e-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. :
- a) full information about the authors and the text of the scientific article, structured according to the template for the design of articles;
- b) a scan of consent to post information on publication in the scientific electronic library eLIBRARY.RU, signed by all co-authors;
- c) Anti-Plagiarism inspection report.
3.2. The name of each file must include the last name of the author (s).
3.3. The printed version of the article and the original of the Consent, signed by all co-authors, are sent to the address: 344002, Rostov-on-Don, pr. Budennovsky, 20 (marked "Bulletin").
4. Publishing ethics
4.1. Journal editors:
- adheres to the principles of publication ethics adopted by the international community, reflected in the recommendations of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), the Code of Ethics for Scientific Publications;
- decides on the publication of a scientific article based on the reliability of the data presented and the scientific significance of the work in question;
- reserves the right to reject the publication of the article in case of violation of ethical standards.
4.2. Authors of the article:
- shall provide reliable results of the conducted studies; obviously erroneous or falsified statements are unacceptable;
- must ensure that the results of the study set out in the manuscript provided are completely original; borrowed fragments or statements should be appropriately documented with the obligatory indication of the author and the primary source; excessive borrowing, as well as plagiarism in any form, including unformed quotes, paraphrasing or assignment of rights to the results of other people's research, are unethical and unacceptable;
- should not submit to the journal a manuscript that has been sent to another journal and is under consideration, as well as articles already published in other scientific publications;
- prevent verbatim copying of own works and their paraphrasing;
- should indicate as co-authors all persons who made a significant contribution to the study; it is unacceptable to mention persons who did not participate in the study among the co-authors.
4.3. Reviewer:
- considers the manuscript as a confidential document that cannot be transferred for review or discussion to third parties who do not have the authority from the editorial board;
- is obliged to give an objective and reasoned assessment of the stated results of the study, personal criticism of the author is unacceptable;
- should not use for personal purposes unpublished data obtained from manuscripts submitted for review;
- who, in his opinion, is not qualified to evaluate the manuscript or cannot be objective, should inform the editors about it with a request to exclude it from the review process of this manuscript.
5. Article structure
5.1. The annotation, which should be informative (not contain general words), original, meaningful (reflect the main content of the article and research results), structured (follow the logic of describing the results in the article), fit into the volume of 350-500 characters with spaces.
Keywords (5-6 concepts, categories, terms or phrases) reflect the main processes and results of the studied problem, topic of the article.
5.2. The introduction includes:
- an analysis of recent research in this field, containing the identification of previously unresolved problems or parts of the general problem to which this article is devoted;
- substantiation of topic relevance;
- setting the task in general form and its connection with important scientific or practical tasks. Identification of the object and subject of analysis in a scientific article, providing for the introduction of appropriate brief and clear definitions, is of a recommendatory nature;
- formulation of the purpose of the article (this is a mandatory element of the introduction).
5.3. The main part is the presentation of the main research material with a full justification of the scientific results obtained; conclusions from this study and prospects for further research in this direction. The main part should be structured into subsections (usually 2-3) that contribute to the systematic presentation of the object and subject of analysis of a scientific article.
5.4. Conclusions reflecting the results obtained should be consistent with the purpose of the scientific article.
5.5. Bibliographic list, which should contain at least 10 sources, including 4 sources - these are works published over the past 5 years.
The sections of the article - introduction, main part (subheadings of the main aspects), conclusions - must be highlighted in bold in the text.
6. How to review articles
6.1. All scientific articles received by the editorial office that correspond to the subject of the journal and the requirements for design are subject to mandatory review.
6.2. Reviewers are appointed from among the members of the editorial board or editorial board, as well as other competent scientists and other qualified specialists who have published on the subject of peer-reviewed materials over the past 3 years.
6.3. The journal has established a two-sided closed peer review in which the personal data of authors are not disclosed to the reviewer; authors are not disclosed personal reviewer data.
6.4. The review should reflect: an assessment of relevance, scientific novelty and practical significance, the structure of the content of the article; comments and recommendations of the reviewer; conclusion on the possibility of publishing the article in the submitted form after revision or on the inexpediency of its publication.
6.5. The final decision to publish or reject an article, as well as the order of placement in the journal, is made by the editorial board.
6.6. The editors of the journal send the authors of the submitted articles copies of reviews or a motivated refusal. The editors do not enter into discussions with the authors about the rejected works.
6.7. Original reviews are kept in the editorial office for five years. Copies of reviews are sent to the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation upon receipt of a corresponding request.
7. Requirements for the design of the article
7.1. Volume - 8-13 pages, MS WORD format, line spacing - one and a half, Times New Roman font, font size 14.
7.2. Working field of A4 format: upper and lower - 2.5 cm, left - 3 cm, right - 2 cm; paragraph indentation - 1.25 cm. Pages are not numbered.
7.3. In Russian and English, the following elements are presented in the specified sequence:
- surname (s), name, patronymic of the author (s), position, academic degree and academic title of the author (s), postal code and address of the organization (place of work), contact phone number, email address (printed in lowercase letters, alignment - on the left field);
- scientific classifier code (UDC) is specified, alignment - in the left field;
- surname (s) of the author (s) and initials (are printed in lowercase letters, bold, alignment - in the right field. If the article is co-authored, the authors' surnames and initials are printed separated by commas);
- the title of the article (printed in capital letters, bold, center alignment);
- annotation (printed in lowercase letters in italics, aligned to width). Annotation and keywords are separated from each other by a free string;
- keywords or collocations in the scope of 5-6 basic concepts and categories are printed in lowercase letters in italics, alignment - in width.
The phrase "Keywords" is printed in bold, highlighted in italics. Annotation, keywords and introduction are separated from each other by a free line.
The above elements are printed in single line spacing.
The sections of the article - introduction (alignment - left), the main part (subheadings of the main aspects are numbered, alignment - center), conclusions (alignment - left) - must be highlighted in bold in the text, printed in lowercase letters with the first capital letter.
Translations into English using specialized programs are not accepted.
8. Designof tables
8.1. Tables must be executed in a text editor (not scanned). Line spacing - single, Times New Roman font, font size 12.
8.2. Tables are placed inside the text after links to them, the table dimensions should not go beyond the text fields.
8.3. Tables shall be numbered, have a title located above the table. (The word "Table" is printed in lowercase letters in italics, rightward alignment. The table name is printed in lowercase, bold, single line spacing, center alignment.)
9. Design of figures and formulas
9.1. The amount of graphic material (illustrations) should be the minimum required (no more than 5).
9.2. Images are provided in separate files (in .jpg (uncompressed) cdr, .tiff formats) with a printout and a list of captions. The file name must refer to the picture number in the article text (for example, draw_14.tif). It is possible to provide pictures in the Word editor inside the text of an article only if the pictures are made in Word itself. Drawings are numbered with caption (for example, Fig. 1. Figure title).
9.3. Drawings should be clear, not pale, black and white. Color images can be represented. All symbols in the figures shall be clear and clearly distinguishable from each other. It is recommended to use graphic editors for drawing.
9.4. Presentations cannot be used as illustrations. It is not allowed to repeat the content of figures and tables in the text of the article.
9.5. All formulas must be typed in the formula editor within the article text. Formulas containing only text and math characters and superscript/subscript must be typed in plain text (not in the formula editor). Characters in all formulas must be the same size and match the size of the body text.
The sequence number of the formula is placed in parentheses to the right of the formula at the border of the set band. At least one free line must be left above and below each formula or equation.
9.6. In scientific articles, author's abbreviations can be applied. At the same time, after their first mention in the text, it is necessary to indicate the abbreviation in brackets: for example, information customs technologies (ITR).
10. Bibliographic references and a list of literature
10.1. Bibliographic references to the sources used are given in the text in square brackets [].
10.2. Bibliographic references should be in-text, i.e. the list of references is given at the end of the article in the order of mentioning sources in the text and is issued in accordance with GOST R 7.0.5-2008.
Materials that do not comply with the established design rules are not considered or reviewed by the editors.